
Prioritize Environmental Law Attorneys for the New Venture!

Being abundantly showered with natural resources and luxuries, we are responsible for maintaining its balance. As humans, we somehow fail at keeping our environment safe and far from exploitation. With the increasing rate of our needs, we tend to cheat our instincts and duties. From plants to air, everything that gives us life should be protected at any cost.

Since we fail in our duties and responsibilities, nature has strict laws to look after it. Environment laws are looked after by legal services in MD and are to be followed with grace. 

What is Environmental Law?

Environment law is a set of laws that are set to look after the environment. A legal regime that is strongly supported and influenced by environmental principles. The legal principles and regulations focus on natural resources, fisheries, minerals, and more. Areas that are concerned with the environmental impact assessment are added significantly in the environmental laws. These environmental laws are specifically focused on some concerns that are impacting the whole world. Personal management and disputes can be handled individually; perhaps, the negatively shadowing world concerns need to be addressed collectively through common environmental laws. 

The primary motive of environmental laws is to safeguard natural resources despite being exposed to an environment where they are getting exploited.

Now, think of a plan where an industrialist is set to start with their new venture or factory that overly harms the environment. Be it releasing harmful gases or dumping chemical waste into water bodies, any private project that harms the environment is violating environmental laws in some way. They are then not allowed to run their services according to environmental regulations. 

Components of Environment Laws

In order to impart information and knowledge about the environmental laws, legal authorities have set up campaigns that can fulfill the requirement of sending informative messages. There are some standard components of environment laws that need some precise address.

  • Waste Management: One of the major components of environmental laws is waste management. As the term evinces, waste management means maintaining and managing waste according to its nature, availability of space, and plenty of other reasons. Because waste is the direct influencer of diseases and pollution, ordering it is essential. It can pollute the groundwater, land and be a big reason for air pollution, and thus managing it accordingly is imperative. Public waste directly affects public health and needs to be addressed through campaigns and educational programs that educate the public about waste management. Recently, a waste management program took place where the crowd was taught to classify wet and dry waste and dump accordingly. This saved areas from drowning under harmful waste gases and also promoted cleanliness all around.
  • Food Production: Environmental laws affect the quality and type of food we have exposure to. Due to negligence, corruption, and greed, food production has experienced an excellent quality decline for a majority of the time period. Lawful action against the exploitation assured quality food production. Environmental laws formed by the legal board of the state study how food is grown and delivered, based on which they pass food production orders. The regulations of the law concern everything from the sowing of seed to harvesting it and even packaging it. They keep a complete check on what is produced and if it is safe for public consumption or not. Only when everything matches the standards of the environmental law is it passed on for rightful proceedings.
  • Water Reserves: Environmental laws ensure the availability of safe drinking water to every group of the public. Environmental law advocates monitor the quality, cleanliness, and availability of drinking water in different social sectors that ensure everyone’s easy reach to clean water. The legal authorities initiate creating water reserves for the areas where water reach is limited or isn’t clean enough. Water laws promote the free flow of clean drinking water around the world and apply certain limitations where water flow is controlled. In such cases, health concerns are the significant factors for controlled water flow. Standing water can lead to certain health diseases and hygiene hindrances.
  • Pollution Control: Since pollution is one of the most extraordinary party crashers, it needs strict limitations. Legal authorities for environmental laws focus on pollution control and conserving natural resources side by side. They have certain standard notions of saving the environment by lowering pollution levels which is somehow true. With the increasing rate of pollution ranked every day, the environment needs to breathe healthily. High levels of pollution have far adverse effects on human life as we think. We do not give enough credit to the pollution controllers, but they are increasing the number of days of life for the human faction. The environmental law advocates focus on eliminating emission-rich appliances and energy-efficient devices.
  • Flora and Fauna: We indeed underestimate the need for healthy flora and fauna, but it needs our undivided attention. They are nowhere near a healthy life when we humans are after their lives. Instead of protecting them from the harshness of the world, we are throwing them away and ultimately putting our lives in danger. They are under a constant threat posed by a human faction and need to be rescued soon. With the help of environmental laws, flora and fauna are being protected and taken care of by humans. Protecting biodiversity is the main aim of environmental regulations. Even the endangered species needs protection from poachers, which should promote the prohibition of killing animals for human purpose. Any harm to flora and fauna that serves human interests should have limitations.
  • Mining: Mining is an activity that is carried out to extract natural resources and serve human needs. There is nothing adversely negative about mining but keeping environmental health in view is essential. Not just ecological health, but the effect of mining on miners is also considered under the environmental laws. Also, ecological laws focus on miners’ safety and health, essential for the overall ecological balance. 

When starting a company or an industry, don’t just look for the law firm that deals with tax planning in Maryland; having a transparent understanding of environmental laws is also essential. It is less talked about but holds enough weight to decide for the sustenance of a new project or industrial plan.

Environmental health deserves much more importance than we give. The better the environment, the better our lives would be.

Longman and Van Grack, LLC is one of the finest law firms dealing in civil litigation in Maryland, environmental laws and more. Have a look at their official website to know more.

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The Life of a Law Prodigy

Those who inspire us are those who lead by example. One among them is Alton Jay Ferris. His first brush with law was at the age of four when his father brought home a civil procedure treatise. The attorneys at all law firm in Rockville and the rest of the world must read this piece to get insights into what it really means to be a lawyer.

All great talent is recognized in the early years of childhood. This was definitely the case for the American prodigy, Alton Jay Ferris. Born in the year 1995 on August 6, it was his father—a textbook editor—who saw Ferris’ potential to become one of the top lawyers America’s ever seen. 

The prodigy’s tryst began with his enchantment with the applied logic of rules. From thereon, he exhaustively read everything related to law. At five years of age, when an average child is still coming to terms with the world around him, Ferris was reading legal periodicals & treatises. 

  • Finding Legal Errors: A child’s play for this child

In the scores of texts that his father brought home, he circled & made notations of all the legal errors in them with a red crayon.  

By the time he was seven, Ferris rewrote four of the main rules of criminal procedure. When his father submitted the same to the Advisory Committee that adopted many of his suggested changes. And the reason why it didn’t adopt the remaining changes was that these were “ahead of the time.”  

  • Educational History  

A great inspiration for all those who aspire to offer premium legal services in Rockville MD, Alton’s formal education in law began in 2003. 

Harvard constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe was his private tutor who gave away all of his legal wisdom to the eight-year-old in just five months! 

After a stint of teaching law, Ferris had rewritten great portions of Prosser on Torts by the age of nine. He graduated from Yale Law School in 2009 merely after three semesters.

  • His Pathbreaking Contribution

On assuming the pseudonym of Jackson Davis III, he consulted with emerging democracies on the setting up of criminal & civil institutions. 

After passing out from Yale, Ferris, who was 14 at the time, co-wrote significant parts of the third Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers. But his name was withheld from the final published text due to a dispute with two of his co-authors & the American Law Institute. 

But that didn’t stop him from letting the world know about his work. Subsequently, he rewrote his portions and published the collection as an eBook, which then generated over two million downloads.

At 15 years old, in 2010, he gave a TED Talk on ‘Why People Hate Lawyers and Why I’m One of Them.’ It is a must watch for all professionals at law firms in Rockville.

To date, his only publicly known litigation loss is the Citizens United case. Today, he runs a transactional practice in New York. And a majority of the Fortune 100 companies are his clients. 

To know more about such prodigies, contact the attorneys at Longman & Van Grack, who offer the best legal services in Rockville, MD.

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Law Firm Rockville MD: Ways to Resolve Construction Conflicts

A study revealed that it takes 2.8 hours for conflict resolution to resolve at work.

You have a major construction project lined up that encompasses multiple technicalities and demands cooperation from multiple stakeholders. Construction disputes will waste a lot of time that would have otherwise been utilized in project completion and delivery.

Conflicts take place due to various reasons. The law firm at Rockville MD has highlighted possible causes of construction disputes:

  • Site conditions were different than what was claimed on call by tenders.
  • Contractual ambiguities due to different interpretations by the parties.
  • Disagreement between the parties as claiming compensation.
  • Notice several contract changes during the development process.

Conflicts are a part of construction projects and legal services. Maryland has come up with some conflict resolution approaches for you:

Deploying Preventive Measures to Avoid Construction Disputes

Construction projects can work without a hitch. It is vital to identify and eliminate the causes of disputes so that there are no hassles later on. It is impossible to avoid them completely. Therefore, identifying and eliminating them during the initial stages would be of great help.

Those working on the projects must have an excellent understanding of the contracts. It includes everyone from managers, contractors, and sub-contractors.In case the issue stays unresolved for extended durations, it is vital to establish an internal conflict management process.

Use your Negotiation Skills

Negotiation is the first step of conflict resolution. It strengthens the relationship and prevents conflicts from conflicts later on. An effective negotiation style must be included in the system so that work is done without any grievances.

Opt for Legal Conflict Resolution Methods

If both parties have tried their best to resolve the conflicts but cannot do so, they have the right to hire legal services from Maryland. An arbitrator or judge generally settles these disputes. This solution must be applied when alternative dispute resolution methods fail and demand a lot of time and money.

Dispute Review Boards

Having a dispute review board by your side is another way to deal with the tensions among various stakeholders. These individuals have adequate project knowledge and take decisions promptly. The initial cost levied by them is high, but no one can solve these issues better than these professionals.


Alliancing gives the permission to integrate a common objective charter and sets common objectives for the project’s best interest. Dispute prevention mechanisms are included within the labor relations and administration and the administration process. The risks and perks that come along with the project are shared in advance. All this minimizes the chances of conflict and gives adequate time to concentrate on work.

In Conclusion, Conflicts are a part of construction projects and happen anytime. Initially, Both parties must try to resolve them amicably. If they cannot do it on their own, they can hire  Legal Services, Maryland as a mediator and decide after hearing from both parties. Once the conflicts resolve, the emphasis would be laid on task and project completion.

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What To Do When The IRS Comes After You

The Internal Revenue Service or the IRS has been outlined as the most influential powerhouse among the collection agencies in the world. Different from the regular debt collectors, they can impose tax levy, trim your wages without any court order, and seize all your assets too. If you are unable to pay your taxes , the IRS in Bethesda will eventually step in and collect all the money from you. While this may worry a lot of people who are currently in debt, it is important to know that you too can fight back. If you disagree to the amount demanded by the IRS then , according to section 4 of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights you are allowed to object and provide any and every additional proof to support your claims. 

Here are a few things you should be aware of, 

IRS Can’t Apprehend All Your Assets Without Any Processing 

They have the legal right to cut your wages and take away your properties. But, they can not tell you to do these things without giving you proper notice for them. The IRS has a set of rules they must follow, which clearly states that they have to send you a bill of how much you owe them first. If you ignore the bills they send then the IRS can start active collection. They will still send a 30 day notice before they start the levying process. 

If You Aren’t Financially Sound It Will Be Taken Into Account 

The IRS has to consider all the facts, whether you are missing out on tax payables and also if you are capable to pay them as well. Your ability to pay can help you in getting out of this mess. If you aren’t financially stable anymore, the IRS in Bethesda takes that into confederation and will give you an option of regular payments. You can set up a monthly payment tab, where you have to pay back the money one way or another. Once, the IRS accepts this method of payment, they aren’t allowed to take further collection actions against you unless you default again. 

You Can Hire A Tax Lawyer 

Every taxpayer has the right to hire a lawyer in their defense. You can retain an authorised representative to deal with the IRS. Hiring an attorney from a Law Firm in Bethesda is your best option. The biggest reason to hire a tax lawyer is that they can save you and your business from suffering a huge loss. The right time to hire a tax lawyer is when you receive a letter from the IRS regarding your penalties. Consult your attorney regarding what your next step should be. Before hiring a tax attorney there are few things you must make sure too, such as, 

  • The amount time they have been pursuing law
  • Does your attorney only practice tax law, or do they practice other areas of the law asw well. 
  • You must make sure they have previously handled such situations. You will preferably want someone who has experience in this field. 

It is always better to hire the best, hiring a Law Firm in Bethesda will help you get the best result in your case. 

In conclusion, any situation with the IRS means you may require a legal representative present. It is only valid to receive services from the best Law Firm in Bethesda, LVG law firm.

law firm Maryland
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Estate Law Maryland: Naming the Guardian in your Will

Parenting is full of responsibilities. You want best for the children once you are no longer with them. Choosing a guardian is one such crucial responsibility that must be fulfilled. The guardian will look after your children and will give them the love and care they need.

The estate law Maryland looks after this matter in case the parents fail to choose the guardian for their children. The court will take the decision in favour of the young one. The court decides to find the individual who will be the guardian of the children. If the child reaches an appropriate stage, he can decide who will be his guardian.

Preference must be given to family members and friends before choosing the guardian. Two individuals will serve as coguardians; for instance, a brother in law can be made the coguardian of the children after the parents’ death. At times, the children’s custody is given to the surviving parent if one of them dies due to unforeseeable circumstances.

If you cannot look after your child is a single parent, you can still find a guardian for him.

A proper will that has names of the guardians needs to be prepared before handing over the responsibility. A reliable Maryland legal services can do the needful for you. Plan these things ahead of time to avoid hassles at later stages.

Things to Keep in Mind Before Choosing a Guardian

Choosing a guardian is your primary responsibility. Estate law Maryland has recommended you some tips that can help you find the best person for your child:

  • The guardian must be capable of handling the physical, emotional and financial responsibilities of the child.
  • Determine the type of parent they will be. The child needs a nurturing, mature and responsible parent.
  • Some of us look for the qualities that were present in our parents. Age and general health of the caregiver should be considered before finalizing him for your child. These things are not important when your child is an adult. If the child is less than 18 years consideration to the factors mentioned above must be given.
  • Does your child need to change school? Many parents believe that the child must continue his studies from the same school. For some children making adjustments at a new place is a hassle.
  • Religious values: Choose a guardian that has religious values and beliefs similar to you. You want your child to grow with the values that you have been teaching him till now. It is the most crucial aspect that must be kept into account.


Keep these things in mind and choose the right guardian for your child. Once you have finalized the guardian, don’t forget to mention his name in the will with Maryland Legal services help.

Do what is best for your child and help him have a prosperous future in the years to come. Care and love is what the child longs for.